Pigeons from hell?

No, just hungry pigeons, driven by the extremely cold weather to utterly demolish my nets and devour my brassicas. I like pigeons, so I won’t be investing in an air rifle just yet. I’ve resigned myself to yet another year where my PSB crop is likely to come to naught (slugs thwarting my 2008/2009 crop, and moving to Scotland doing for 2007/2008).

(Actually, it’s just occurred to me that it *could* have been deer, because I’ve seen their prints on the plot – but the bird poop on the kale suggests that pigeons were involved at some point.)


And you never know, it might still come – PSB is hardy stuff.


Um, they ate the kale too. Even the red stuff. (That’s the afterthought leek crop at the top there.)


I’ve still not planned out where stuff’s going – this bed had the potatoes last year, so it’s likely going to be brassicas this year – possibly even including some swedes this year, the guy in the garden next to me planted some and seemed to have good results, and this *is* neep country after all. That’s the garlic and overwintering onions at the top, surviving in spite of the cold. I’ve dug a little further beyond the onions and garlic – not sure what to put in there, possibly courgettes.

The foreground of this bed –


is likely to end up with potatoes in it, though it definitely needs a good dose of muck first. Further back, beyond the brassicas, I’m thinking possibly beans, chard, salads, beetroot.

I need to get my paper and pencil out, and hit the online seed shops – though of course, spring needs to get here first. The Met Office seem to think we’ve got at least another fortnight of close-to-freezing temperatures, and spring seems a long way off. The delay’s working to my advantage in that I can concentrate on my spinning and knitting, which will be coming to a blog post near you very soon.

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